
The gallery contains work developed using unique techniques to combine and utilize 2D, 3D, AI and fractal formulas to explore yet undiscovered graphical territory.


The combination of AI/3D/fractal give new and exciting possibilites when it comes to creative outlets.

The example on the right is a fractal based texture 3D model completely revamped by an AI image to image animation formula.

This is an AI end result that is completely unique and impossible to recreate due to its properties. So rather than looking at AI as a threat, it is to me more of an opportunity to broaden the creative horizon whether it is in the field of music and art or general digital development.

Fractal >


The example on the left was developed using the same process as the one above.

This piece started with a fractal (Mandelbrot - Mandelbulber 3D) and the textures generated were utilised and developed in Daz 3D and Bryce 3D. It was then brought to Blender 3D for further treatement.

The end result is AI animation output (Stable Diffusion) from the finished Blender 3D model, added details and textures, hair, leather, transparency and other surface details.